How to Repair Uneven Concrete

How to Repair Uneven Concrete: A Simple Guide to Smooth Surfaces

Is your concrete driveway, patio, or sidewalk looking a bit uneven these days? Uneven concrete is not only unsightly but can also pose a significant tripping hazard. The good news is that fixing it is easier than you might think! Whether you’re a DIY enthusiast or prefer to call in the pros, we’ll walk you through how to repair uneven concrete and get your surfaces back to looking their best.

What Causes Uneven Concrete?

Uneven concrete can happen for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Soil Erosion: Water can wash away the soil underneath your concrete, causing it to sink.
  • Poor Installation: If the concrete wasn’t laid properly in the first place, it might settle unevenly over time.
  • Heavy Loads: Excessive weight from vehicles or heavy equipment can cause concrete slabs to sink or crack.
  • Weather Conditions: Freeze-thaw cycles can lead to cracks and uneven surfaces.

Understanding the root cause can help you choose the best method to repair your uneven concrete.

DIY Methods to Repair Uneven Concrete

For those who love a good DIY project, here are a few methods you can try:

  1. Concrete Resurfacing:
    • Clean the Surface: Start by thoroughly cleaning the concrete with a pressure washer to remove dirt and debris.
    • Apply Bonding Agent: Use a concrete bonding agent to ensure the new layer adheres properly.
    • Mix and Apply Resurfacer: Mix the concrete resurfacer according to the package instructions and apply it evenly with a trowel.
  2. Self-Leveling Compound:
    • Prep the Area: Clean the surface and repair any major cracks.
    • Mix the Compound: Follow the instructions to mix the self-leveling compound.
    • Pour and Spread: Pour the compound onto the concrete and use a trowel or spreader to ensure it’s evenly distributed.
  3. Concrete Grinding:
    • Rent a Grinder: You can rent a concrete grinder from most hardware stores.
    • Grind the Surface: Use the grinder to smooth out the high spots on the concrete.

When to Call in the Professionals

While DIY methods can be effective for small areas, larger projects or severe damage might require professional help. Here’s where FoamWorks comes in! Our foam injection slab repair is a quick and cost-effective solution for fixing uneven concrete.

Why Choose Foam Injection Slab Repair?

Foam injection slab repair involves injecting a high-density polyurethane foam under the concrete slab. As the foam expands, it lifts and levels the concrete. Here are some of the benefits:

  • Quick and Efficient: Most jobs can be completed in a few hours.
  • Cost-Effective: Cheaper than replacing the entire slab.
  • Durable: The foam is resistant to moisture, chemicals, and pests.
  • Minimal Disruption: No need for heavy machinery or extensive digging.

Step-by-Step Foam Injection Process

  1. Assessment: Our team will evaluate the extent of the unevenness and determine the best injection points.
  2. Drilling: Small holes are drilled into the affected area.
  3. Foam Injection: High-density foam is injected through the holes, expanding and lifting the concrete.
  4. Sealing: The holes are sealed, and the surface is smoothed out.
  5. Final Inspection: We ensure everything is level and stable.

Contact FoamWorks Today!

Ready to say goodbye to uneven concrete? Contact FoamWorks today for a free consultation and let our experts handle the job. Whether it’s your driveway, patio, or sidewalk, we’ve got you covered.

Repairing uneven concrete doesn’t have to be a headache. With the right approach and a little know-how, you can enjoy smooth, safe, and beautiful surfaces once again. Whether you choose to tackle it yourself or call in the pros, you’ll be glad you took the steps to fix those pesky concrete problems.

Foam Injection Slab Repair: The Modern Solution for Uneven Concrete

Foam Injection Slab Repair: The Modern Solution for Uneven Concrete

Uneven concrete can be a real headache, causing tripping hazards, unsightly cracks, and structural issues. But what if there was a quick, cost-effective way to repair your concrete surfaces without the need for extensive demolition and replacement? Enter foam injection slab repair, a revolutionary technique that’s changing the way we fix concrete. Let’s find out what foam injection slab repair is, how it works, and why it’s the best solution for uneven concrete.

What is Foam Injection Slab Repair?

Foam injection slab repair, also known as polyurethane foam injection, is a method used to lift, level, and stabilize concrete slabs. This process involves injecting a high-density foam beneath the concrete. As the foam expands, it fills any voids and lifts the slab back to its original position. This technique is commonly used to repair driveways, sidewalks, patios, garage floors, and other concrete surfaces that have sunk or become uneven over time.

How Does It Work?

  1. Assessment: The first step in foam injection slab repair is assessing the area to determine the extent of the damage and identify the best injection points. A professional technician will inspect the concrete slab and the underlying soil conditions.
  2. Drilling: Small holes are drilled into the affected concrete slab at strategic locations. These holes serve as entry points for the foam injection.
  3. Injection: Using specialized equipment, high-density polyurethane foam is injected through the holes and into the voids beneath the slab. The foam expands and hardens within minutes, lifting the concrete and providing a stable foundation.
  4. Sealing: Once the slab has been lifted and leveled, the injection holes are sealed with a patching compound, leaving a smooth and uniform surface.
  5. Final Inspection: A final inspection is conducted to ensure the slab is properly leveled and stable. Any necessary adjustments are made to achieve the desired results.

Benefits of Foam Injection Slab Repair

  1. Quick and Efficient: One of the biggest advantages of foam injection slab repair is its speed. The entire process can be completed in just a few hours, minimizing disruption to your daily routine.
  2. Cost-Effective: Compared to traditional methods of slab replacement, foam injection is much more affordable. It requires fewer materials and less labor, resulting in significant cost savings.
  3. Durable and Long-Lasting: The high-density foam used in this process is incredibly durable, resistant to moisture, chemicals, and pests. It provides long-lasting support, ensuring your concrete remains level and stable for years to come.
  4. Minimal Disruption: Foam injection is a non-invasive procedure that causes minimal disruption to your property. There’s no need for heavy machinery or extensive excavation, making it ideal for residential and commercial settings.
  5. Environmentally Friendly: Many foam products used in slab repair are eco-friendly and made from recycled materials. This makes foam injection a sustainable choice for concrete repair.

Applications of Foam Injection Slab Repair

Foam injection slab repair is versatile and can be used in various applications, including:

  • Driveways: Fixing sunken or cracked driveways to improve safety and appearance.
  • Sidewalks and Walkways: Eliminating trip hazards and ensuring smooth, even surfaces.
  • Patios and Pool Decks: Restoring outdoor living spaces to their original condition.
  • Garage Floors: Leveling uneven garage floors to prevent damage to vehicles and equipment.
  • Basement Floors: Addressing foundation issues and creating a stable, level surface.

Why Choose FoamWorks?

At FoamWorks, we specialize in foam injection slab repair, providing top-notch services to our clients. Our experienced team uses state-of-the-art equipment and high-quality materials to ensure the best results. Whether you’re dealing with a sunken driveway or an uneven patio, we have the expertise to get the job done right.

Foam injection slab repair is a modern, efficient, and cost-effective solution for uneven concrete. Its numerous benefits make it the preferred choice for homeowners and professionals looking to address concrete issues. If you’re ready to restore your concrete surfaces, contact FoamWorks today to learn more about our foam injection slab repair services!

Ready to say goodbye to uneven concrete? Reach out to FoamWorks now and let us help you achieve smooth, level, and durable surfaces!

patio repair services

Patio Repair Services: Revitalize Your Outdoor Space

At FoamWorks Pro, we understand the importance of having a well-maintained patio. Your patio is not just an extension of your home, but a place where memories are made, gatherings are hosted, and relaxation is enjoyed. Over time, patios can experience wear and tear that affects their appearance and functionality. That’s where our patio repair services come into play.

Why Choose FoamWorks Pro for Patio Repair Services?

When it comes to patio repair services, you need a team that combines expertise, quality materials, and advanced techniques. FoamWorks Pro is your trusted partner in restoring the beauty and usability of your patio. Here’s why our services stand out:

1. Experienced Professionals: Our team is composed of skilled professionals with years of experience in patio repair. We understand the intricacies of different types of patios and the best methods to repair them effectively.

2. Innovative Techniques: We use cutting-edge methods to ensure that your patio is leveled and stable. Our approach guarantees a durable solution that enhances the longevity of your outdoor space.

3. High-Quality Materials: At FoamWorks Pro, we believe in using only the best materials for patio repair services. This commitment to quality ensures that the repairs not only look good but also withstand the test of time.

4. Customer Satisfaction: Our primary goal is to exceed your expectations. From the initial consultation to the final touches, we prioritize clear communication and exceptional service.

The Benefits of Professional Patio Repair

Opting for professional patio repair services offers several advantages:

Improved Safety: A well-maintained patio eliminates potential hazards, making it safer for you and your guests.

Enhanced Aesthetics: Professional repairs can rejuvenate the look of your patio, making it an inviting space for entertainment and relaxation.

Increased Property Value: A beautiful and functional patio adds value to your property, making it a wise investment for homeowners.

Longevity: Regular maintenance and timely repairs can significantly extend the life of your patio, saving you money in the long run.

Our Patio Repair Process

At FoamWorks Pro, we follow a meticulous process to ensure the best results for your patio repair services:

1. Inspection: We start with a thorough inspection to assess the condition of your patio and identify any underlying issues.

2. Custom Plan: Based on our findings, we create a tailored repair plan that addresses all the identified problems.

3. Execution: Our skilled team implements the repair plan using advanced techniques and high-quality materials, ensuring a seamless and durable finish.

4. Final Touches: We conduct a final inspection to ensure the repairs meet our high standards and your satisfaction.

Contact FoamWorks Pro Today

Don’t let an aging patio detract from your outdoor enjoyment. Trust FoamWorks Pro for professional patio repair services that bring new life to your outdoor space. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover how we can transform your patio into a beautiful and safe haven for relaxation and entertainment.

Invest in the best with FoamWorks Pro, and let our patio repair services restore the charm and functionality of your outdoor area.

pool deck lifting

The Essential Guide to Pool Deck Lifting: Bringing Your Outdoor Space Back to Life

Have you ever looked at your pool deck and noticed it looking a bit… uneven? Maybe there are cracks or areas where the concrete has sunk, making it less than inviting for a sunny day dip. Well, you’re not alone! Many homeowners face this issue, and there’s a fantastic solution that’s both efficient and cost-effective: pool deck lifting.

What is Pool Deck Lifting?

Pool deck lifting is a specialized process to correct an uneven concrete deck around a swimming pool. Over time, various factors can cause sections of concrete to settle or sink, potentially creating a tripping hazard and diminishing the look of your pool area.

Why Consider Pool Deck Lifting?

Think about the last time you hosted a pool party. Was everyone having fun, or were they too busy watching their step around the uneven deck? Safety and aesthetics are two major reasons to consider lifting your pool deck. It’s about ensuring that everyone can enjoy the pool area safely and making sure your backyard looks its best.

How Does it Work?

Imagine you could magically lift a cake and fix a layer that’s sunk in the middle—that’s a bit like what happens during pool deck lifting, except with concrete and a material called polyurethane foam.


The benefits are clear: improved safety, enhanced appearance, and increased longevity of your pool area. It’s like giving your pool deck a mini facelift!

Determining the Need for Lifting

Not sure if your deck needs lifting? Signs like visible cracks or uneven surfaces are dead giveaways.

The Process 

Involves drilling small holes in the concrete, injecting a foam, and watching as it lifts the concrete back to its original level.

Cost Considerations

One of the biggest advantages of pool deck lifting is cost efficiency. It’s generally less expensive than replacing the entire deck.


Preparing your pool area for lifting is straightforward. Remove any movable objects and ensure easy access for the technicians.

Maintenance After Lifting

Maintaining your newly lifted deck involves regular inspections and ensuring proper drainage to avoid future settling.

DIY vs. Professional Services

While some may consider a DIY approach, professional services are recommended for effective and long-lasting results.

Finding the Right Contractor

Choosing the right contractor is crucial. Look for experienced professionals with positive reviews and a solid portfolio.

Common Challenges

Some challenges include finding the right time for the repair and dealing with unexpected weather changes.

The Impact on Your Home’s Value

Improving the condition of your pool deck can enhance the overall value of your home, making it a wise investment.


Pool deck lifting isn’t just about fixing an uneven surface—it’s about reclaiming your outdoor living space and enhancing the enjoyment and safety of your pool area. With the right approach and a skilled contractor, your pool deck can be restored to its former glory, making every poolside moment enjoyable.

Remember, your pool is more than a place to swim—it’s where memories are made. So, why wait? Consider pool deck lifting today and transform your backyard into a safe and stunning oasis.

concrete leveling near me

Find the Perfect Fix: Expert Concrete Leveling Services Near You

Have you ever tripped over a pesky bump on your sidewalk or noticed an unsettling tilt in your concrete patio? It’s not just a minor inconvenience—it’s a sign that it’s time for some concrete leveling. But with so many options out there, how do you find the best “concrete leveling near me”? Fear not, because we’ve got the scoop on navigating your way to smooth, safe concrete surfaces once again.

The Lowdown on Concrete Leveling

First off, let’s talk about what concrete leveling actually involves. Over time, concrete slabs can shift, settle, or sink due to various factors like soil erosion, poor initial installation, or water damage. Concrete leveling is a savvy process that lifts the slab back to its original position, or as close to it as possible, without the need for a complete overhaul. It’s like giving your concrete a mini facelift, making it look and function as good as new.

Why Level Your Concrete?

Apart from saving yourself from future trips and falls, leveling your concrete can prevent further damage, improve water drainage, and enhance the overall appearance of your property. It’s a cost-effective solution that can extend the life of your concrete by addressing the root cause of the problem without the need for replacement.

Finding the Right Service Provider

When it comes to “concrete leveling near me,” not all service providers are created equal. Here’s how you can ensure you’re getting the best bang for your buck:

1. Do Your Homework

Start with a quick online search to find concrete leveling services in your area. Look for companies with solid reputations, positive reviews, and a robust portfolio of before-and-after photos. It’s your concrete, after all, so you want to make sure it’s in good hands.

2. Experience Matters

Experience is key when it comes to concrete leveling. Seek out companies that have been in the business for a while and have a track record of successful projects. Experienced professionals will be able to assess your situation accurately and recommend the best course of action.

3. Technology and Techniques

Leveling has come a long way from the days of simply pouring more concrete to fill the gaps. Today, techniques like polyurethane foam injection (also known as foam jacking) offer a quick, minimally invasive, and long-lasting solution. Make sure the company you choose is up to date with the latest technologies and techniques in leveling.

4. Get an Estimate

Before making any decisions, get a detailed estimate from the company. This should include a thorough assessment of the problem, the proposed solution, and a breakdown of the costs. It’s also a good opportunity to ask questions and gauge the company’s expertise and customer service.

5. Check for Guarantees

A reputable concrete leveling company will stand behind their work. Look for services that offer guarantees or warranties on their workmanship. It’s a sign that they’re confident in their ability to deliver quality results.


Tripping over an uneven concrete slab is a thing of the past. With the right knowledge and a bit of research, finding “concrete leveling near me” can lead you to the perfect solution for your sinking sidewalks, driveways, or patios. Remember, the goal is to not only fix the cosmetic issue but to address the underlying problems, ensuring your concrete surfaces are safe, functional, and aesthetically pleasing for years to come.

how to fix uneven concrete slabs

How to Fix Uneven Concrete Slab: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you struggling with uneven concrete slabs at your home or business? You’re not alone. At FoamWorks, we’ve seen our fair share of wobbly walkways and troublesome terraces. But fear not! We’re here to walk you through how to fix an uneven concrete slab, so you can enjoy smooth and safe surfaces once again.

Understanding the Cause

First things first: what causes an uneven concrete slab? It’s often due to soil settling or erosion underneath the slab. Over time, this can create voids or gaps, causing the slab to sink or become uneven. It’s a common issue, but luckily, it’s one that can be fixed!

The FoamWorks Solution

At FoamWorks, we use a tried-and-true method to fix uneven concrete slabs: concrete lifting foam. This innovative solution involves injecting a high-density polyurethane foam beneath the slab. As the foam expands, it fills the voids and gently lifts the concrete back to its original, level position. It’s quick, efficient, and far less invasive than traditional concrete repair methods.

Why Choose Concrete Lifting Foam?

Here are a few reasons why concrete lifting foam is the go-to solution for fixing uneven concrete slabs:

  1. Speedy Process: The entire process can be completed in just a few hours, depending on the size of the area.
  2. Cost-Effective: It’s generally more affordable than completely replacing the slab.
  3. Minimal Disruption: Unlike traditional methods, there’s no need for heavy equipment or extensive excavation.
  4. Durable Results: The foam is resistant to water and other environmental factors, ensuring a long-lasting fix.

How FoamWorks Tackles Uneven Slabs

So, how does FoamWorks handle an uneven concrete slab? It’s pretty straightforward:

  1. Assessment: We first assess the area to understand the extent of the unevenness and the underlying cause.
  2. Preparation: The area is prepped, ensuring it’s clean and ready for the foam injection.
  3. Precision Foam Injection: Our experts then strategically inject the concrete lifting foam through small holes drilled in the slab.
  4. Monitoring and Adjustment: As the foam expands, we carefully monitor and adjust as needed to ensure a level lift.

Your Next Steps

Dealing with an uneven concrete slab can be a nuisance, but it’s not something you have to live with. If you’re in the Garland area (or even if you’re not!), FoamWorks is here to help. Our team of professionals is equipped with the tools and expertise on how to fix uneven concrete slabs efficiently and effectively.

Interested in learning more or ready to get started? Contact us at FoamWorks, and let’s make those uneven concrete slabs a thing of the past!

concrete leveling near me

Concrete Leveling: An Ultimate Guide to Fix Uneven Concrete

Are you noticing sunken concrete slabs on your driveway or walkway? Or is your patio sinking in some areas? These uneven concrete surfaces can pose a serious tripping hazard and affect the aesthetics of your property. If you are facing any such issue, then you might be in need of concrete leveling services.

What is Concrete Leveling?

Concrete leveling is a process of lifting and leveling sunken or uneven concrete surfaces. It is also known as slabjacking or mudjacking. This technique is used to fix the settled or sunken concrete slabs by injecting a high-density polyurethane foam underneath the surface, which then expands and lifts the concrete back to its original position. It is a cost-effective solution that saves you from replacing the entire concrete slab.

Why Choose FoamWorks for Concrete Leveling Near Me?

FoamWorks Pro is a leading concrete leveling service provider in the USA. They have years of experience and a team of experts who use advanced equipment and materials to level your uneven concrete surfaces. Their polyurethane foam injection technique is quick, effective, and durable. The company uses eco-friendly and non-toxic materials to ensure the safety of your property and the environment.

How to Identify Sunken Concrete Slabs?

The sunken or settled concrete slabs can be identified by looking for the following signs:

  1. Uneven surfaces
  2. Cracks in the concrete
  3. Trip hazards
  4. Drainage issues
  5. Water pooling around the concrete

If you notice any of the above signs, then it’s time to call FoamWorks Pro for concrete leveling near you.

Benefits of Concrete Leveling

Concrete leveling has numerous benefits, including:

  1. Improved aesthetics of your property
  2. Elimination of trip hazards
  3. Reduced water pooling
  4. Enhanced curb appeal
  5. Cost-effective compared to concrete replacement

FAQs about Concrete Leveling

Q. How long does concrete leveling take?

A. The time taken for concrete leveling depends on the size and complexity of the project. However, most projects can be completed within a few hours.


Q. Is concrete leveling expensive?

A. Concrete leveling is a cost-effective solution compared to replacing the entire concrete slab.


Q. How long does the foam injection last?

A. The foam injection used in concrete leveling is designed to last for decades.


Q. Can I use the concrete surface immediately after leveling?

A. Yes, you can use the surface immediately after leveling.



FoamWorks Pro is a reputable and reliable concrete leveling service provider. They have the experience, expertise, and equipment to level your uneven concrete surfaces quickly and effectively. Don’t let sunken concrete slabs ruin the aesthetics and safety of your property. Call FoamWorks Pro for concrete leveling near you.

concrete leveling

The Benefits of Concrete Leveling: How FoamWorks Can Save You Time and Money

When it comes to maintaining the concrete surfaces around your home, one common issue is uneven concrete slabs. Uneven concrete can be not only unsightly, but it can also pose a safety risk. Traditional methods of concrete repair can be time-consuming, costly, and disruptive. That’s where concrete leveling comes in.

What is Concrete Leveling?

It is a process that involves lifting and leveling uneven concrete slabs. At FoamWorks, we use polyurethane foam injection to raise and level the slab without the need for costly excavation or demolition. The foam is injected underneath the slab and expands to lift it into place, filling any voids and stabilizing the soil underneath.

The Benefits

  1. Cost-Effective

Compared to traditional concrete repair methods, concrete lifting foam is a cost-effective solution. It requires less time, less material, and less labor, resulting in significant cost savings.

  1. Time-Saving

Because concrete leveling does not require excavation or demolition, it can be completed much faster than traditional repair methods. This means less disruption to your daily routine and a faster return to normalcy.

  1. Enhanced Safety

Uneven concrete can pose a safety risk, especially for young children or elderly individuals. Leveling eliminates tripping hazards and creates a safer environment for everyone.

  1. Improved Curb Appeal

Uneven concrete can be an eyesore and detract from the overall appearance of your home. Concrete leveling improves the look of your concrete surfaces and enhances your home’s curb appeal.



Concrete leveling is an effective and cost-efficient solution for fixing uneven concrete surfaces around your home. By choosing polyurethane foam injection, FoamWorks can help you level your concrete slabs quickly and safely without the need for excavation or demolition. With enhanced safety, improved curb appeal, you can rest assured that you’re making a smart investment in the future of your home. Contact FoamWorks today to schedule a consultation and learn more about the many benefits.

What is the Cost of Foam Concrete Raising?

Foam concrete raising is an excellent alternative solution to mudjacking. Today, most people consider concrete foam repair instead of replacement to cut costs and save time. People have shifted from traditional mudjacking to repairing concrete because it doesn’t last long. There are also higher chances of lifting again from time to time, especially when weather elements are severe.

foam repair to fix concrete crack

How Much Does Foam Concrete Raising Cost?

People consider polyurethane foam concrete repair because it’s cost-effective. Recent surveys show that foam concrete raising can save up to 80% of the total costs of concrete replacement. The average cost of this service will vary depending on the affected area and the size and scope of the concrete project. For instance, driveway leveling will cost approximately $1,800-$2,400. Additional concrete repair pricing examples would be patios costing roughly $1,250-$1,500, Walkways between  $1,250-$1,500. 

The minimum price for our concrete leveling services is $1,250, but this is subject to change from time-to-time.

Generally, the cost of foam concrete raising will vary depending on some factors as follows:


a. Size of the Slab

The size of the slab will generally depend on the cost of raising concrete. Regardless of the job size, you’ll need to incur some fixed costs, including set-up and travel expenses. This means that if you’ve got a larger project, you’ll get value for money per square foot, unlike if you’d a smaller project.


b. Location

The distance from a contractor to your premises will also affect the cost. If you get a nearby contractor, be sure to pay less and vice versa.


c. Job Difficulty

The intensity of work required during the foam repair will also affect the amount you pay to the contractor. For instance, if your slab has many hard-to-reach cracks, it means the contractor will spend a lot of time filling the cracks. This will further translate to increased costs.


d. Rate Used by the Contractor For Foam Concrete Raising 

Different contractors use different rates during the job, i.e., hourly rate, per square feet, or a consolidated amount for the whole job.


In conclusion, these factors will determine the cost of foam concrete raising. It’s essential to consider various aspects such as material, warranty, overage fees, and joint/crack repairs when comparing concrete raising quotes from different contractors.

5 Benefits of Spray Foam Concrete Leveling

Even crack with spray foam concrete repair

Both residential and commercial premises have to use either polyurethane foam or mudjacking to raise concrete that’s sinking, unlevel, or sagging. Generally, when concrete surfaces become old, they develop voids which make the supporting soil unstable. This further leads to concrete sagging, cracking, and crumbling, especially in areas with high traffic. A professional contractor will fill these spaces using spray foam to solve this problem. 


Most people consider spray foam concrete leveling due to its numerous benefits, as explained below:

1. Cost-effective

Spray foam concrete leveling is cost-effective compared to replacing the entire concrete slabs. Instead of replacing concrete on your sidewalks, patios, pools, driveways, slabs, or basement floors, consider this method for concrete leveling. On average, replacing concrete will cost you about $6/Sq ft plus other extra costs involved in labor, it will help you save on these costs and is much easier.


2. Spray Foam Quick Process

If you decide to replace your entire concrete, you’ll need days or even weeks, depending on the size, to be replaced. However, if you consider foam concrete leveling, you’ll only need hours or one day. This means you can start using the area in the shortest time possible.


3. Improves Structural Stability

Most people don’t know that polyurethane foam improves structural stability without overloading soil in the affected area. Professional contractors use a process called polyjacking to level the affected areas. The contractors use an engineered foam called polypier that doesn’t give the affected area more weight. This helps to consolidate and compact soil, thus improving structural stability.


4. Moisture Resistance 

Spray foam concrete leveling is moisture resistant. This means that regardless of the wetness experienced in the affected area, the concrete will remain firm without further damage.


5. Spray Foam is an Environmentally Friendly Solution

Polyurethane concrete leveling is an eco-friendly solution. The foam consists of almost 50% recycled and renewable materials, which reduce the environmental impact of its disposal.


In conclusion, these are benefits of spray foam concrete leveling. Polyurethane foam concrete leveling is non-disruptive since it limits costly wear and tear problems.